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One thing I really love to do is analyze things that I like in order to learn more about myself! Self-insert, fictional crushes, and shipping as a whole are a specific topic I really enjoy. Here are some collected bits and pieces of self-analysis about my crushes and romance in general!

   Charts and Analysis

     Boy do I love charts!

Charts, Graphs, and Visuals

♡ F/M Ships Chart - A recent (unfinished) chart I started when I was thinking about the rare het ships that I like! Ships are rated on two axes: how serious I am about the ship, and if they affect me emotionally or not.

♡ Intro to Yaoi Chart - A vaguely chronological (based on year) chart of M/M ships and media I liked from 2011 to 2013, my formative yaoi years.


♡ Saved Texts and Quotes - Quotes about self-insert/romance that I found interesting, poignant, or noteworthy in some way, with sources and/or links to the original text.

♡ Names and Terminology - A cursory glance through different words, terms, and phrases relating to self-ship, and discussion about the vocabulary I use. This is just my own personal thoughts and feelings!